First of all the day started out with another snow storm. I was determined to make it to my appointment though. I live in Carl Junction and my doctor is in Carthage. It usually takes around 15 minutes to get there, so it's not too far. However, it was snowing really hard and the wind was blowing like crazy. I could hardly see the road. As I parked in the parking lot I really hoped that my car wouldn't get stuck when I tried to leave. The lot hadn't been shoveled and it was pretty deep. Thankfully it was all light fluffy snow and I didn't hit any slick spots. Driving in that kind of mess tends to stress me out. The drive home was much better. The roads were still covered, but it wasn't snowing very hard and the wind wasn't blowing like it was earlier. I could actually see the road.
Anyway, I wasn't sure if they'd do an ultrasound or not. I called the day before and talked to the receptionist. She didn't think they would do one. I didn't know what to expect. They did all the regular exam stuff and then brought in a small ultrasound machine! Yea! I was a little nervous because I didn't know if she was going to say "woah, you have 18 babies in there," or "everything looks great, you've got one." Thankfully she went with the second. I have one happy healthy beautiful baby in my belly!!!! I guess I've just been retaining a lot of water or I'm really bloated or something. I'm not really sure why my stomach is sticking out. She said I would start to show sooner because I was small, but that it was probably mostly just bloating. She said to avoid things like raw broccoli that will make it worse...sure thing. I'll make sure I stay away from that. HAHA. I guess she doesn't know I don't eat green vegetables. :) Anyway, back to the exciting stuff. She moved the wand around and said everything looked great and she pointed out the tiny heartbeat. It was incredible to watch. I'm in love! She printed off two pictures. The picture above is a picture of the picture...I couldn't scan it in. I think if you click on it, it will come up bigger. I really don't know anything about ultrasounds. I've been trying to figure out what's what. What do you think? I'm thinking that the head is on the right and then those tiny little dots are the hands and feet???? Or am I just imagining things? The doctor said she's going to stick to Sept 19th as the due date, but the ultrasound read Sept 21st which is Audra's (my sister-in-law's) birthday! Pretty cool. :)
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I'm so excited!!!!!lemon is another essential oil that can help with nausea. Just a little longer til your at your second trimester, everything is supposed to be a lot better then! Hope you feel better soon.
so excited for you amanda!
SO excited!!!! Just imagine all the play dates we can have :)
Thanks guys!!!
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