Sunday, February 13th

Ok, I know...I'm a little behind and it's taken me forever to update my blog. That's kinda the theme right now. I feel behind on everything. Oh well. I'll catch up at some point.
Symptoms: Tired & nauseous still. I stayed home on Monday because I just didn't feel well. When I wake up feeling bad and think about driving all the way to Miami to be stuck in a stuffy smelly room all day, it makes me just want to roll over and go back to sleep. I have a lot of sick days to use, but I still have to be pretty selective on how I use them. With state testing right around the corner, I feel like I need to be there. Since we were out so many days because of the snow, I'm behind at school too.
Food: Still don't like it. I'm mostly eating bagels, crackers, and cheese. I really can't wait for the day when I can have hot wings or mexican food with extra queso. Right now I can't really handle the thought of it though.
Baby: Our baby is nearly an inch and a half long and the size of a prune. Bones and cartilage are forming, and small indentions on the legs are developing into knees and ankles. His or her tiny arms can even flex already. Little teeth are also forming under the gums. Our baby's stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine, and, if it's a boy, he's already producing testosterone.
Thoughts/Favorite: This is combined this week. One of my favorite things is getting to share our exciting news. I love that I have such great family and friends. Everyone has been so excited for us and I love that. There have been several people that I've told that have teared up because they know about our struggles and that it took a while. They have been praying for us and I truly believe that they are almost as excited as we are. That is incredible to me...that people are so caring and supportive to us. We are so blessed! I love that others are sharing in our excitement. I also love that so many people I know are pregnant right now! It's so fun! In a couple of weeks, I'm taking a couple of friends from church (we're all 3 due within a couple of weeks of each other) to Tulsa with me to shop at the Just Between Friends sale for maternity clothes. I can't wait.
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I'm ready for an update!!!!
Come on - it looks like it took you six days to post the picture and now it's been 5 days that we are waiting for the update. I love ya sis - but
"tired" is not in our vocabulary!
Haha. I know. Sorry guys. I had parent teacher conferences tonight and we have our small group tomorrow night. I'll update it Saturday. I promise. :)
I've already told you how excited I am for you and Chad but I'll tell you again. I told my mom and she said "OH!!! THAT'S WONDERFUL!" She is as excited as I am. And equally excited for your mom to be a grandma again!
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