Today is our 6th month anniversary!!!! Yea! I am continually amazed at how blessed I am. I have such a great husband and I love being married to him. I am really trying to just take every day in and enjoy it for what it is. I know that as we go through life together, things will get more and more crazy and hectic...especially once we start having kids and when Chad has his own pharmacy. Since we don't know when that will happen for sure, I'm trying to soak up every free evening we've got. I just love spending time together. The last 6 months have been even better than I could have imagined. I could really go on and on here, but I'll spare you all the sappiness.
I had the flu or something like it last week....I really hate taking sick days from work. I'd much rather use my sick days as free days off to do something fun. However, staying at school wasn't really an option. Thankfully it only really lasted 2 days. I came home after my 1st class last Monday, but I waited until Chad came home to start throwing up. I really thought I was about to die. I was glad he was here to comfort me and clean up after me.
Sunday School - We've been going to Christ Church in Grove for several months now. Just this month they started a Sunday School class for our age group. I am so excited! We went yesterday and I really enjoyed it. There are several young people at this church, but it was hard to really get to know any of them when we were just seeing them for a second or two before and after the service. Next week we're all going to get together and go bowling. I'm so excited to get to know some of these people.
Las Vegas - Chad had a Pharmacy Conference in Vegas a couple of weeks ago, so I tagged along for a mini vacation. I had so much fun, unfortunately Chad was in class all day so we didn't get to do much together during the day....which left me a lot of time to shop! I bought a few things, but I mostly just looked around. We did get to eat and play at my favorite place in Vegas...ESPN Zone. We stayed at MGM Grand and they even upgraded us to a super-nice room one night that was about the size of our house. It was pretty fabulous.
Hunter's basketball game -

He's the one dribbling the ball in the picture...
Danielle's baby shower -

Deer Creek Test Scores - Oklahoma's State Department of Education requires testing for high school students...along with many other grade levels. These tests are a huge deal. The school that I taught at last year received the highest overall student achievement award for the state. We had a score of 1482 out of 1500!!!! These students worked really hard and did a great job. I was so excited when one of the teachers I taught with last year called to share the news with me. Apparently because they did so well, we all get a bonus! Wahoo!
New Years Resolutions - I made a few resolutions in January. Some of them I've kept up with pretty well and some of them I've kinda slacked off working out. One of the goals that Chad and I set together was to go through the Bible together. This is kinda embarrassing, considering that I've been a Christian for so long, but I haven't ever just read through the Bible. I've gone through different devotional books. I've read passages here and there and I have my favorite books in the Bible that I like to read, but I feel like I'm kinda missing a big chunk of important stuff. I figure if it's in the Bible, it's in there for a reason, right? So Chad and I are reading it together. So far, some weeks we've been really consistent, and some weeks we've let other things get in the way. We are making progress though and I'm excited to see how we'll grow through this together. Spiritual leadership is one of the qualities I admire most in Chad and I love it when we spend time together talking about the things that are most important. If you'd like to read along with us, I can send you the link for the reading plan we're using.
I'm going to go fix some dinner...tonight it's Parmesan Encrusted's in the frozen section at Sam's. If you have a Sam's near you, you should get some. It's sooo good. I'll try to post more often so it's not so long and random. I hope you all have a wonderful week.
wahoo for those bonuses! have fun with that!
good update! i agree.. that flu stuff was really gross. and i am glad its over. yucky. when is your next trip to okc?
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