Friday, February 13, 2009

Rock Band Party

Chad and I had a few people over last night to play Rock Band/Guitar Hero. Most of them were people Chad works with, but they're pretty fun to hang out with. Well, one of the guys that came over is in some sort of class at NEO and he needed to make a commercial for one of his projects. He decided he would make on of us playing Rock Band. I don't love being on camera and I don't love acting, but I figured I should be a good sport and help him out. my surprise, he brought over a box of pink and blue wigs for us to wear while we performed. As much as I don't like acting and being on video, my dislike for dressing up is even stronger. I don't know why. I just don't really enjoy doing those things. It makes me feel really awkward. Perhaps this awkward feeling stems from earlier experiences....

like the time I had to perform a monologue in 9th grade...terrible experience. My drama teacher made me rehearse mine in front of the entire class for an hour one day. She just kept telling me "More emotion Amanda.... You need to express it with more emotion." Blah. I'm not really an emotional/dramatic person...especially around people I'm not that comfortable with.

or the time in high school when I was asked to help out with a skit at church. This was a very frequent thing. They all knew I didn't like being a part of the drama group, but they also knew I wouldn't say no. One particular incident that I remember was when we threw a going away party for our youth minister. I don't even remember what the skit was about. I do remember someone begging me to help out and saying to me "Amanda, all you have to do is walk around the room playing a kazoo. There's going to be a big group of people doing it. You don't have to do anything else. That's it. Just play the kazoo and march around the room." So I agreed. Next thing I knew, I was wearing hobo clothes, a clown wig, and face paint as I marched around the room. I don't remember anyone ever mentioning that part to me.

or the time in college when we helped our friend Drew make a music video. He knew I had a banjo and thought that would be great to use in his Dixie Chix video. He approached me saying, "All you have to do is sit on the couch and act like you're playing the banjo." Ok, not a big deal. Sounds kinda fun. Before I knew it, we were making a full video complete with acting, dancing, and lip syncing. Did I mention how much I love to dance??? How about dancing on camera????Right up there with dressing up like a clown.

Anyway, all of that really makes me sound like a big stick in the mud. I'm not really. I like to have a good time...just preferably without video cameras, dress up clothes, and wigs. However, last night was actually pretty fun....and funny. I was a little surprised. Usually I really dread those kind of things, but it wasn't bad. They're a pretty fun group of people.

1 comment:

danielle said...

oh my goodness. i just laughed really hard. so hard, my mom asked what i was laughing at, so i reread it to her. that made my day.