I have always wanted one of these! I've used it several times and I absolutely love it! I did some research on what products to use on it because I didn't want to mess it up. I know several of you have one too, so I'm passing along the information I found. I'm sure most of you probably know this stuff, but I didn't. You can use whatever soaps, foams, bubble bath, etc but you should turn the jets off whenever you add anything to the water. Also, you can clean it with dishwasher detergent. Fill the tub until the water is higher than the jets. Pour in the dishwasher detergent and run the jets for 10 minutes. This cleans the filters, jets, and everything else...and it makes it sparkly clean.
Great to know! I don't use ours that much, but I have a feeling I will in a few more weeks! I had never thought to treat them any different.
I'm glad you are enjoying your new home spa!
that is AWESOME information. i never feel like i can get mine that clean. and i have to actually get in it and sit there to clean it, because my arms arent long enough. i am definitely going to try the dishwasher soap. and i had no idea about the bubble bath stuff, until my parents said something the other day. but good to know i can still use it just not use the jets at the same time! thanks friend!
Never had any idea that there were certain things NOT to use in the tub. I definitely break this rule all the time...too bad I LOVE bubble baths!!! I will certainly try the dish soap trick!!
just make sure you use diswasher detergent (cascade), not liquid soap (dawn)
congrats on your new home.....I wish I had a tub!!!!
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