So this weekend was a little more busy than normal... I don't have pictures of everything, but we got to be part of a dorm blitz with our church on Saturday morning. We went with several others to Missouri Southern in Joplin and delivered
goodie bags filled with hot chocolate, coffee, and cookies to the students' dorms. Later Saturday, we spent some time on Main Street in Miami. I'm still not really sure what the occasion was, but it consisted of a car show, live music, craft and food booths, and
Indian dancing/pow-wow music. Chad was one of the judges in the car show and got to present one of the awards. Sunday was another great day at church, followed by a baby shower for one of our Bible Study leaders.
Here are a few pics from the event in Miami on Main Street

The tailgate says "
Witchy Woman" and there's some sort of design on the lid of the truck...I thought this one was interesting.

I don't really know much about older cars. Chad and I seem to have very different tastes. This one was my favorite though. I thought it was very cute and small. Chad went for more of the older boxier looking ones. They just reminded me of my great-aunt
Chubby's car or my great-grandma's car. I'm sure they weren't the same as what they drove, but they're all in the same
catagory in my mind. Like I said, I don't know much about cars...

Chad presenting an award. He gave it to a '64 Impala.
Wow, Chad must be a local celebrity or something!
He's pretty famous Megan...maybe you'll be lucky enough to get an autographed pic for Christmas!
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