Monday, March 9, 2009

This weeks news... -
Dave Ramsey will be leading the service at LifeChurch for the next two weeks. (Sunday, March 15th and Sunday, March 22nd.) You can watch the service live online or if you want, you can download the podcast later in the week. If you don't subscribe to the podcasts, I recommend it. They are really good. I usually listen/watch them while I workout. Anyway, I like Dave Ramsey. I think he's a godly man and wise when it comes to financial stuff. There's a link on the right side of my page if you're interested.

Twilight -
Thanks for all of your book suggestions. My list has grown. I'm trying to read a book each month, which for me is a lot. I used to hate reading, but I've grown to really enjoy it. Before, I was doing good if I read one book a year, so this was a pretty big jump for me. I went to the bookstore last Thursday to get Twilight. I've heard so much about it and so many of my students have read it. I figured if they can make it through a book that thick, so can I. It's almost 500 pages. I'm almost under a week. It's one of those books that's hard to put down. It's a good story. I recommend it if you're looking for something to read. I think there are 4 books in the series and I plan on reading all of them.

4 more days till Spring Break!!!!

Summer job -
Usually I find a fun place to work for the summer. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do here in Miami. I'd like to do something. I don't want to just sit around all summer, but there aren't many places to work around here. I guess I could drive to Joplin and work at the mall or something. I don't know...any ideas?

There's not a lot going on right now. I hope you all have a great week!

1 comment:

Julie said...

i loved twilight. i started it during the ice storm and finished it in just a few days. i could hardly put it down. i would like to start the second one during spring break! yay for spring break! :)