My iPad is full... I was only able to load some of the pics from Christmas. The rest are on our Mac. I haven't figured out how to put pics from the Mac on my blog yet. That's partly why I haven't posted in a while. I'll figure it out soon.
Until then...
Stockings at Nandy's

IdaMary, Nandy, and Chad

Keely and Hunter

Blake, Brent, and Hattie

Hunter and the new puppy

Blake, Hattie, and Hunter doing a Christmas program at Nana & Papa's

Hattie handing out the gifts

Hunter handing out the gifts

Hunter loves his dad

Hattie's new American Doll

Brent and Keely

I love the expressions in this pic. Keely was really unsure about what she was opening from Brent...I really love this expression on Brent's face. It reminds me of when we were kids. It's his "I'm really excited, but I'm trying not to smile" face. Love ya Bub!

So frustrated that I can't put the rest of my pics up. Ugh. Soon.....
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad